Episode 84: Make Your $ Work for You


How many of us were raised to be uncomfortable around the mention of money? We both were and it's led us to have a fear of being perceived as greedy for wanting more and a strong scarcity mentality that there's a finite amount we can never attain. Sound familiar? Then trust us, ep. 84 with Linda Garcia is for you! (And if you can't relate at all, pls, tell us your secrets!!) Linda, known to many online as Luz Warrior, is on a mission to help people deal with their money wounds and find financial freedom. She's spent years trading on the stock market and is helping demystify this predominantly white, male world. In this conversation, we learn how her upbringing with immigrant parents shaped her relationship with money and how she's learned to have an infinite mindset. We're claiming this as the year of wealth, join us!

Listen on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Connect with Linda: @luzwarrior

Connect with the pod: @waitholduppod | @heyjessmolina | @yarel_ramos

Email: hola@waitholduppodcast.com


Episode 85: Yarel’s Engaged


Episode 83: Living with Depression